8 thoughts on “Episode 54

  1. Awesome episode as always Will! Very hot outfit for Erica and I hope it’s going get it’s chance to be used by it

  2. Another good story. Seems to be a little friction in the office. The final page has me worried that Bunny might tun heel. I guess we will have to wait and see.

    1. I probably wouldn’t consider it a full heel turn, but Bunny has always had a bit of a feisty side to her, despite being a “good” girl. Besides, she needs to fully earn her spanking to make it all the more delish.

      1. Yes, I know Bunny has a feisty side. That is part of her charm. As far as her needing to earn a spanking I don’t quite agree with that. I would be happy to see Santa give her a spanking. I believe you have teased that in the past. I also wouldn’t mind her getting a playful birthday spanking from one of the wrestlers she is friends with. That being said I have done some rendering myself so I know how time consuming posing and rendering can be. I really appreciate the time and work you do to make these stories. And I will enjoy any kind of spanking Bunny gets.

  3. I love the anticipation the audience feels right now regarding how will the staff react to Valora’s arrogant tirade. Many fans, including myself, are looking forward to a brutal & humiliating reaction against Valora! Btw, when may we expect to view Episode 55? Do you have a Patreon or DA account where fans can support you. Thank you!

  4. I’ve talked about creating a Patreon account for a long time with some of my email correspondents, but I still haven’t done it. I’ve had a thoughtful fan or two send me a little something to my PayPal account, which I’ve appreciated, but for the most part I carry the cost of my webcomic. I just don’t know how many would be on board with dropping an occasional coin in the hat as my comment section remains pretty quiet, other than my most devoted readers.

    The status of Episode 55? I don’t know for sure at the moment. It’s just the first few panels phase. Maybe early August if I have some good time to work on it. But I know some of my followers are really interested in when episode 56 will be out. That’s the one I’ve been asked about for years now, and we’re finally almost there.

    1. I would be happy to contribute to your Paypal, mate! You can write your Paypal info here or send to my email if you prefer. korduvaka@gmail.com I believe several fans would happily provide a small donation. Mature fans understand the hard work and costs involved with creating your own comic. Episode 55 in early July? Perhaps you meant August. We are eager! Yes, Bunny receiving a spanking seems to be the buzz. Will episode 55 or 56 contain any vengeance taken to Valora? I bet there are some men among the roster who would love to tombstone this sexy, arrogant woman.

  5. My PayPal is to my email address, which is in the Contact portion of this website, if you or anyone cares to throw something in the tip hat. This is much appreciated for anyone who cares to do so. I did mean August; I’ve edited the comment now to avoid confusion. The Valona angle is taking a bit of a different turn at the moment, her spankings (and punishments) will never be done as along as this webcomic exists, but there’s going to be a new storyline going on now.

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