7 thoughts on “Episode 56

  1. This is by far my favorite episode you’ve done all that teasing pays off with a MASSIVE spanking and the dialogue makes it all the better and the pillow was an excellent touch tooooo good

    1. It was certainly a long time in coming, so I was a little more pleased than normal when I finally got it completed. It was easily the most requested event through the years I’ve done this webcomic. Now that it’s been rolled out, it’s going to be a tough act to follow, but I have to proceed with new episodes.

  2. I think a lot of people have been waiting for this. Thank you. I have a few questions. Are we going to find out why Bunny has been acting the way she has? Is she going to get in trouble again in the near future or will this spanking settle her down for a while? Also kind of off subject but I was wondering about Erin and the guy that picked her up in that truck. Was that the last we will see of him or will he build a relationship with Erin that might come into play in the future?

    1. Bunny took an immediate dislike to Erica when she came upon the scene because she took attention away from her, namely when it came to Scrap and Devin, whom Bunny enjoyed the flirtations she received by each of these fellows. Bunny didn’t take it well when Erica became fast friends of theirs from the moment she arrived.

      This feeling was compounded when Erica took Bunny’s ring announcer spot, even though it wasn’t anything that Erica could be blamed for. Bunny still resented this, and it didn’t help that Erica was able to pull green marbles from Santa’s stocking and while she failed to do so.

      There is a bit more of this current story line to play out for Bunny, but the main part happened in this episode.

      As to the question of Erin and the chap in the truck, in case you didn’t recognize him, that’s Chudley Taylor, one of the squash wrestlers of HTW. Without giving away future plot lines, there was indeed a reason for this, which will be seen next year.

      1. I thought Erica taking the announcer spot was part of it. Thanks for explaining the rest. Although I never understood why Bunny always pulled red marbles either. Also thanks for telling me about Chudley I have to admit I did not know who he was. I do look forward to future stories.

  3. This is an amazing episode. I have been one of those who waited for this one and it did not disappoint. Love the stars that Bunny wore. This may have been the longest, soundest spanking delivered in HT wrestling. Thank you Will.

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