5 thoughts on “Episode 59

  1. Thanks for another story before the year’s end. I might be crazy but I would like to see Valona get at least some of her power back. Don’t get me wrong it has been fun seeing her get her well deserved spankings but I would like to see her back in some position of power. I think she would make a more interesting heel. I am also very interested in what the new year will bring for Erin as well. Thanks again and I look with interest for your coming stories.

    1. You are correct. The tide does need to roll back Valona’s way, and future plots will reveal how this will be done, though probably in not the way it was previously. Thanks as always for being one of the few who comment on my episodes.

  2. Love seeing this Valona deserves it, I agree with the idea of her getting power back to lead to a comeuppance but I will let this build as I know you have stuff in mind

  3. Nice episode and a great way to start a new year! Maybe not for Valona, she got it here quite a few times recently 😀

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