5 thoughts on “Episode 35

  1. I’m in the beginning processes of moving to a new home, so the release of the next episode is going to be delayed as I won’t have a lot of time in the near future to work on it. Once finally settled in I’ll begin to render out episode 36.

  2. Hi
    I just wanted to check in and ask a couple questions. First, how did your move go? I hope smoothly, well no move goes completely smooth but I hope yours was without a major foul up. Next, at one time you posted a teaser picture of the coming story. Out of curiosity why did you stop? And lastly do you have any idea when you might post episode 36? Thank you for your work and again I hope everything went well for you.

  3. Hello, the move to the new home is completed, just trying to get things straightened out around here. I’ve just recently begun to work on Episode 36 in earnest. I aim to have it completed at the end of this month, but it’s going to be a chore, I still have a lot to do.

    Per your question of the preview picture on the upcoming episode, on the previous one I did there was some sort of issue when the day came for me to release the episode for public viewing, the pictures did not load for some reason. I had to delete it and reload the episode, and then it worked. I don’t know if that would be some sort of problem going forward if I do a protected release of an episode while I’m working on it, but that’s the reason I haven’t done it again, just in case that was the root cause.

    1. Hi
      Thanks for the response. Glad to hear you are in your new home. I was just curious about the preview pic no big deal. I wouldn’t fool with it either if it was a problem. Good luck going forward and I look forward to the next episode.

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